We currently operate with three active committees that are associated with our Advisory Council: Curriculum Committee, Nominating Committee, and Social Programming/Outreach Committee. While they are primarily staffed with members of the Council, an individual does not need to be a member of the Council to serve on a given committee. Committees meet at least once in between meetings of the general Council, usually via Zoom.
Curriculum Committee: Review and evaluate course proposals; attend at least one class of new instructors’ offerings; review course evaluations; ensure thought-provoking and diverse set of offerings each session; recruit new instructors.
Nominating Committee: ensure Council body has a minimum of 12 members; develop a slate of officers; interview potential members in collaboration with the Director; collaborate with the Administrative Team to identify new candidates for the Council to ensure ongoing inclusion and diversity.
Social Programming/Outreach Committee: Develop plans and programs for social events and extracurricular activities beyond the scope of regular programming; identify meaningful benefits to OLLI members; recruit volunteers to support additional programming as needed; generate novel methods to promote OLLI-RU programming and mission; gather content and generate at least a quarterly newsletter to keep the OLLI community informed and increase the sense of belonging; solicit new members and instructors by engaging with various marketing strategies.